30 August 2012

-:- sister visit, part one

I loved having my sister here for a visit for a million reasons.
One of them is that she gave us a bit of inspiration to go explore.

But first, we needed energy.
In the form of Indian food. The best Indian food I've ever made.

Mr. said the veggie kofta I made is the best non-meat substitute for meatballs he has tasted yet - he thinks the consistency is perfect! Noted.

Wanna know what else? It was all vegan.

From here and here.

Our first day involved a bit of park hopping.
First we went to see the famous Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis.

It was definitely a neat bridge, but it was much hotter than we thought it would be and I was wearing flannel - what can I say? That day was the first warm one we had experienced in awhile! - so our visit here wasn't as lingering as I think we expected.

We decided to power through to the next park (rather than going home to change/collapse) and were happy to discover a little seafood cafe in the middle of Minnehaha Park. This park is really dog-friendly and we were able to take Lou inside with us.

Clair had tilapia tacos, mine were grilled veggie, and poor Lou had to do with dog food. All three of us filled up on water. And after ice cream cones, we were ready for some more exploring.

Good thing those bees were so occupied with pretty flowers -
they never discovered our sticky ice cream hands...
or faces...or elbows...

What a beautiful, unexpected park.
Definitely a keeper.



  1. Wow! Amazing Indian food and am looking forward to seeing everything in person!

    1. Yah I am looking forward to that too! :) xox

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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