29 things to do

Sign Lou up for the dog park.
Study French weekly.
Make one thing for my wardrobe per month.
Relearn how to parallel park.
Make baked donuts once every season.
Floss every night.
Visit three waterfalls.
Go to the State Fair.
Do 10 real pushups. In a row.
Go to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
Open my etsy store.
Create a photograph book of our first year here.
Make one non-knitting craft project a month.
Clean out all of our closets.
Practice belly breathing every day.
Write down 10 things I'm grateful for every day.
Treat my skin once a week.
Find a signature lip shade.
Become an early riser.
Take the light rail to Minneapolis and spend the day there.
Read all of the unread books I own - and only keep the ones I love.
Buy flowers for the house bi-weekly.
Start a family.
Make one recipe from a cookbook per week.
Do Couch to 5K and run a 5K.
Go see a movie once a month (and learn how to knit in the dark?)
Drink more water.
Make a cleaning schedule and stick to it.
Design something knitted.


  1. I love your list. I'll be your new friend (if only online). :)

    1. Awesome! Done deal. I'll just put a check mark next to that one... :)

  2. Great list! I am about to post a similar one I'm doing with my daughters. Oh and I need to relearn to parallel park at some point too :) xx

  3. this list is adorable. i love number 13.

    many of my favorite jams are from the state fair! if you ever need a taste tester.. feel free to let me know. :)


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