05 November 2012

-:- make a quilt

Sometimes, when I successfully learn how to do new things, I wonder what took me so long to start doing them in the first place. I felt that way about crocheting, then about knitting - and now I feel that way about making quilts - or, quilting as we quilters like to call it. 

Going into this weekend, I had two things left to do on my quilt: tie it and then bind it.

Getting this quilt tied was a lot harder than I imagined it would be, and only after a broken needle and several blisters on my fingers did I get into a good rhythm. Good thing I was watching (three) episodes of Doc Martin, which simultaneously distracted me from my pain and supplied medical advice in case my quilting injuries worsened. 

My binding technique left a little a lot to be desired - and as usual, my problems mostly stemmed from my blatant disregard for accuracy. (So what if my cardboard template from a cereal box was a bit smaller by the time I was done cutting my squares? And who cares if all of my edges don't quite line up? It would all be okay in the end!)

I loved making this quilt - and I already have big plans for my next one. Those plans, you'll be happy to hear, involve cutting my squares using a quilting ruler, ironing my fabric, and doing other such responsible things to ensure a more finished look at the conclusion of my efforts (ahem).

In the meantime, there is a warm, flannel-backed Weasley-esque quilt to keep me (and Mr. and Louie and Wilbur) warm.

And we love it.



  1. I LOVE IT. I don't know how you find the time. OPEN YOUR STORE!

    1. Thanks! My housekeeping suffers sometimes...lol

  2. Oh my gosh. The cuteness of these photos is making me a little uncomfortable. So snuggly.

    1. haha - I know...they are too cute for their own good!

  3. It's beautiful! I quilted many moons ago and like you I was quite inaccurate. I admire that you are doing more and can't wait to see your new creations along the way!!

    1. Thanks! I'll be sure to keep you posted! I have to wait for some supplies to get here before I start my next one, which will give me a chance to get caught up on some knitting... :)

  4. It is beautiful!!! Quilting is on my list of things to learn, I want to make one for my little man and then one for me :)

    1. Totally - Mr. and I both still have the quilts that were made for us as kids - it's such a special gift!

  5. A good friend was teaching me to quilt (all I have to do is by the backing and have someone machine quilt it for me) and the pattern we used was a completely random one, so you can't really tell when pieces didn't match up, which was good for me.
    I love that Doc Martin show. Can't wait for them to start filming season 6.

    1. Sounds like that's the pattern for me too! :) It's so good, isn't it? He's like the British, rural House.


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