15 January 2013

-:- from the kitchen lately

-:- Parsnip fries from my sister's blog - so stinking good. I had planned on making these last at least another day, but they didn't make it. I didn't have any parsley, so I added some sage instead. Yum.

-:- Vegan banana bread - I just added some chunky peanut butter, mostly because I was going to add chocolate chips, realized I had already eaten them all, and then just wanted to add something to help ease my disappointment.

-:- Chocolate chia pudding - I decided to make this before I was sure I had all of the ingredients - I ran out of cocoa powder and didn't have any carob flour at all (raise your hand if you have carob flour in your pantry right now). So I'm going to make it again when I have all of the ingredients - but it was still good and Mr. and I had it as a late afternoon snack.

-:- Stuffed sweet potato - I added raisins instead of dried cranberries - this was such a wonderful lunch - filling, so good for you, and really delicious.

-:- Salt and vinegar roasted chickpeas - best snack ever - I'm pretty sure I'll be making a batch of these every week for the rest of my life.



  1. Everything about this is amazing - recipes, photos - all of it. I definitely want to try those chickpeas... and parsnip fries. This is making me hungry. :)

    1. Thank you! Yah, those are both great recipes!! :)

  2. The chia pudding looks like some snazzy version of a Thai iced tea, which suddenly sounds like the best idea ever.

    Everything looks amazing, as always. I'm so glad you liked the fries!

    Love you lots. xoxo

    1. Um, a healthy, chia-filled Thai iced tea? Please make that and post about it, okay? Totally the best idea ever. Love you too! xox

  3. I am going to try the chickpeas, they sound fantastic! I love salt, vinegar and chickpeas so I think this could be a go to snack for me.

    1. Yes! And they are healthy to boot! You should know that the crispy little skins are the best part - I save those for last and eat them all at once! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! It was kind of like a chocolate tapioca pudding of sorts...

  5. Vinegar is on my shopping list and has been since canning pickles in September. I've got to try those chickpeas! I must go to the store today!

  6. Everything looks so delish. We love roasted chickpeas here, but never thought to do them with salt and vinegar, gonna have to try it, thanks!

  7. Beautiful photos :) I'll have to try that chia pudding...I love the texture, but I've never made a chia pudding I liked much in taste.

    1. This was pretty good - I bet it would have been even better with all of the ingredients... :)

  8. Yummy food! I put ingredients on my shopping list yesterday for the same stuffed sweet potato recipe- I can't wait to try it out!


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