24 January 2013

-:- the lexicon project // shadow

This week I'm participating in a new project called the Lexicon Project, which was created by two lovely bloggers, Corrie and Rachel. You can read all about how it works on their blogs - and I hope you join in. If you'd like to include a photo, we're linking up on Corrie's blog this week. And to get the word for next week, visit Rachel.

This week's word was shadow and here is my photograph:



  1. Love it. Kitty is loving him some sunshine!

  2. I love your shot! Such incredible contrast. Now I want to snuggle up with a spot of sun. :) Thanks for joining us!

  3. What an awesome shot and a beautiful cat! I want an Wilbur in our home!

  4. I love how kitties just seek out the warm and sunny spots :) Such an appropriate picture for this week's theme!

  5. Stunning, my friend. I'm such a softy for kitties sleeping in the sun. Lovely. xo

  6. kitty and handknit....can't get a better combination!! lovely capture.

  7. Love the light! I want to give that kitty a scratch right meow.

  8. Thanks, all, for your kind words! I loved reading your comments on this post! :)


I LOVE reading your comments! Thanks for saying hi!