06 February 2013

-:- yarn along // unbroken and acer cardigan

I'm going to risk sounding like a broken record to say that I'm still reading Unbroken, I'm still knitting my cardigan, and I'm still promising to have it done next week (ahem).

I'm still really enjoying Unbroken - it's such a good read. And in addition to being an incredible and humbling story, it's also helping me cure my fear of flying. The stories I'm reading make commercial flights seem like a piece of cake. And they probably are. Except in my brain. 

I think I'll have just enough yarn to make it to the end of my cardigan - I have one more skein, which hopefully lets me finish my second sleeve and my edging/finishing. And I'm debating using some elbow patches that my sister got me for Christmas one year - they are a lovely chocolate brown, which I think would look really nice with this blue...

Happy knitting, everyone!


(Joining Ginny at Small Things for her weekly Yarn Along.)


  1. It looks great, the colour is awesome!

  2. I happily will listen you your record. Sweaters take a lot of time! but it's so worth it. Happy knitting this week :)

  3. Your cardigan is looking fantastic.

  4. my favorite color!!! you are so close!!!! almost modeling time!

  5. That's a beautiful sweater. Your cables look fantastic! I'm visiting from Yarn Along.

  6. No need to apologize. :-) It takes me forever to knit a sweater. It's looking good.

  7. Your sweater is coming along nicely. Much faster than I'd be doing. And I"m here to tell you commercial flights are a piece of cake, I do them everyday I'm at work. (As long as you don't take into consideration TSA).

  8. Your cardigan looks really great, and looks as if you are nearly there.

  9. This looks like a book I might just have to check out...but maybe I'd better buy my own copy as I've been a slow reader lately!!. We know WW2 vets, one who used to jump out of planes!

    Love this cardigan..keep plugging away! It is fun to where what you make. I only have one sweater but my college girl made a long cowl over christmas break and wore it last night and got compliments before they knew that she made it!! The ultimate test.

  10. oh WOW! i say take as long as you need, that sweater is going to be a work of art. found you through clair (i also think i follow you on pinterest?! ha, small world!) and i love your blog already. :) good luck on finishing! i'm currently slogging through crocheting a bunch of infinity scarves for my etsy!


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