23 April 2013

-:- april (snow) showers

Oh, April.
What a month.

It has been filled with, among many other things, a lot of snow.
Just this morning, we woke up to about 4 inches of it - that's some April 23rd craziness right there. And I think it was our third or fourth snowfall this month.

So while I don't have any pictures of wonderful, fresh, green things to show you, I do have some snow-related pictures to share. They are from all the way back in March, though they very well could have been from this morning.

Mr. was planning an orienteering field trip for his kids and in order to fully prepare, we went orienteering ourselves. Our first attempt included Lou and did not include snowshoes - neither of those things worked out very well for us. So the next day, when we were better educated, we tried again.

We had a lot of fun - we saw a ton of animals tracks, met some friendly cross-country skiers, gathered codes from all of the posts, and made a mental list of everything Mr. needed to tell his kids before they set out on their own orienteering adventure. And while we're excited to go snowshoeing again, we're okay letting spring have a turn for awhile.

Hear that, April? Forget about the snow and bring us some green.



  1. Ha! Ha! We've had a ton of snow here in Colorado too! Just about every day off I've had have been winter like and every work day is spring. A crazy spring!

  2. I am with you, bring on the sunshine and the lovely spring green!

  3. Tess it's so good to see you back on here!! I wish you and Jen would send some of that snow my way :-)

  4. So beautiful, and so snowy!!! The universe said, "So, you want snow? I got snow!....here....have some more! Had enough? No? Okie dokie...!" Be careful wishing for a nice hot summer ;)


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