31 October 2012

-:- yarn along - a scarf, a surprise, and the red house

Today I'm joining Ginny at Small Things for her weekly Yarn Along (again!)


I have made a bit of progress on Mr.'s scarf - I think at this point, I'm close enough to being done that I will power through to the end - even though I have another special (secret) project lined up that I'm itching to get started on.

This secret project is a gift, so I'm not going to tell you too much about it yet -
but the yarn and pattern I'll be using are here, waiting patiently for me to finish this neverending scarf. I should probably wait for the scarf to be done before starting this other project, right?
Because otherwise the scarf probably won't ever get done?

Book-wise, I finished Her Fearful Symmetry and I have to say, the way the story developed was altogether unexpected. Toward the end, I completely gave up trying to figure out where the story would go next. It kept me guessing until the end and I really enjoyed it.

And next up is The Red House by Mark Haddon. Haven't gotten too far into it, so I don't have much to say about it yet - have any of you read it?

I hope those of you back East are safe and hanging in there. We are sending good thoughts your way.



  1. No fair - teasing us with a picture of that pretty yarn and not telling us what you plan on making.;-) The scarf is turning our very nice!

    1. hehe - hopefully I'll be able to whip it up and give it to its recipient pretty quickly so I can show you pictures of the FO...

  2. Lovely secret knitting :) glad to hear you liked the book, I need to find a good book soon. I'm seriously considering re reading a classic!!

    1. I find myself doing that a lot...one of my prior yarn along posts was about a book called The Snow Child - have you read that one? I can recommend it if you haven't!

  3. Will your Mr. at least wear the scarf you're making? Mine did not. He wanted me to make him a sweater but I said no way because I knew he'd never wear it. At least there was a possibility with the scarf.

    1. Oh no! Well, my Mr. had better wear his scarf - lol! It was smart of you to start small - at least now you know without having dedicated too much effort into a project...

  4. LOL the never ending scarf. i have made all of two scarfs in all of my knitting... i think because they all seem never ending.
    love your secret knitting project yarn, very nice.

    1. They DO! I'm pretty sure the only scarf I've finished while also maintaining my sanity was a fisherman's scarf - it had enough going on that it kept me on my toes - and it wasn't meant to be wrapped around your neck, so it was a bit shorter than they usually are too. :)

  5. Thanks for your comments on the wedding knitting! I love the name of your blog and you made such a great header! The "secret yarn" is also very pretty!

  6. I finally finished my scarf this week, yay! Yours is looking lovely, it will be well worn for sure. Love the yarn for your secret project.

    1. High five! I wish I was right there with you - hopefully I will have finished it by next week!

  7. I know how those never-ending projects can be :) The secret project has peaked my curiosity - I hope you post it someday!

    1. I definitely will! Maybe even sooner than I post pictures of this finished scarf...!! :)

  8. I always hesitate to make scarves as they take so long. Yours looks great, but the new yarn is rather enticing. I am eager to see what you make. Thanks for the reading recommendations

    1. I know it - I'm the same way! But since the last 563 projects I've started for Mr. have failed (haha) I thought it was the least I could do to knit him the scarf he requested...

  9. I definitely find it really important to finish one knitting project before starting the next. I can never work on two at the same time!


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