12 November 2012

-:- the neverending scarf has ended

Well, the neverending scarf has officially ended.
I finished it over the weekend in a rush of crazed morning knitting,
convinced that it would never get done unless it was done by the end of that morning.

I blocked it yesterday (which really softened this wool - it turned out to be really nice)
and by the time Mr. got home today, it was ready for him to wear. Which is good, because we definitely woke up to scarf weather this morning.

He loves it, by the way.



  1. It looks amazing!!! Love those colours.

  2. It looks great. And just in time too!

    1. Thanks! :) Yah, I don't think I've ever had better timing!

  3. Of course he loves it! It looks so cozy. Congrats on finishing, I know it's been hanging over your head.

    1. Thanks! Yes, I was pretty excited to get going on my next project. :)

  4. I love it!! Your husband looks terrific in those colors and now you have me thinking of a scarf...to cast on :)

    1. Thank you! Oh man - good luck with your scarf! I won't be knitting another one for quite awhile!! :)

  5. Great colours!!!! There is nothing quite like finishing a project, is there? I need to make a little scarf for Isaac. But first I have to finish his Solstice Sweater. So much to do...so little time. Congrats. It looks GREAT! xox

    1. Thanks! No, there definitely isn't anything better than finishing a project - especially THIS project!! :) Aw - a little scarf sounds awesome! Are you going to use some of your fabulously dyed yarn?

    2. The stuff I've dyed is all 100% pure wool - too "itchy" for my sensitive little man. I think I'll have to order some undyed silk and wool blend or cashmerino...and have him help me dye it. That would be a perfect project for us. I'll show it off as soon as it's done (and who knows *when* that will be). :)

    3. Haha - that is a good philosophy - putting timelines on my scarf did not work very well for me! That is going to be so much fun - and it'll be such a special scarf for him when it's finished!


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