24 February 2013

-:- weekend scenes

Last weekend, my parents were here for their first visit to our new home - it was so wonderful to see them. And I'm happy they came when they did - had they visited a week later, they would have encountered snowy weather and a daughter with a sore throat. There's so much more to tell you about from last weekend, but I'm going to wait just a bit longer for that.

This weekend, we ran all of our usual errands and then we spent some time at Mr.'s school. He had a few miscellaneous things to get done and I used the time to play the old piano they have there, which I have missed doing. It's out of tune, but it was still lovely to play.

I also started doing yoga this weekend (beyond my usual sun salutation) with the help of a library DVD. I already love how it makes me feel and have found myself doing mountain pose while waiting for my neep and tattie scones to cook - and seated forward bends as Mr. and I played our nightly games of gin rummy on the floor. Hopefully daily yoga is a habit I keep.

Now I'm sitting in front of the fire with Lou by my side, sipping a cup of tea made by Mr. for my sore throat. I hope you all had restful weekends - and I wish you wonderful weeks ahead.



  1. I think I need to figure out how to work yoga into my daily life like that more. We've been snowed in, and I've been missing my classes like crazy.

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon, sore throats are the worst.

  3. Thank you for your gorgeous comment on my blog Tess! I adore yoga! So wonderful for the body, mind and soul! I find it calms me :) look forward to reading more of your blog xx

  4. Hope that pesky sore throat goes away soon. Glad you had a nice visit with your family. Love the the flowers blooming and your pup is so cute!! Frodo is a snuggler too :)

  5. Love that those scenes are so familiar! I need to re-start my yoga too. Don't forget to gargle with warm salt water ; ) love yous.

  6. Miss those cute boys. Glad to hear you are practicing your yoga...I have not been!

    Love you so.


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