18 March 2013

-:- black garlic

Oh, black garlic. I know how it looks, but this stuff is really delicious - Mr. and I tried it for the first time on Saturday and I highly recommend it. I'm a pretty adventurous eater, but black, fermented garlic is one of the most unique things I've ever eaten - and I'm so happy to have discovered it.

I wasn't sure how to dig in at first, but eventually copied all of the pictures I saw online and chopped the base off of the bulb. Then Mr. and I scooped out each clove and spread them on pieces of wild rice bread (which was delicious in and of itself).

It was so good. This stuff has a ton of antioxidants - several times more than regular garlic. It's almost sweet - like a molasses jam with a slight garlic flavor - and without any of the bite you get from non-fermented garlic. We polished off a whole head in no time and have three more to enjoy later. I think I'm going to try cooking with at least one of them - if we can stand not eating it raw.

Apparently this stuff has been a growing fad for the last few years, but I had never heard of it before. Have you guys ever tried it? Do you have any recipe recommendations for me?



  1. I love this post. This is really interesting to me because I just took a cookbook out of the library with a recipe in it using black garlic (the cookbook is Street Food, by Susan Feniger) and my husband and I were wondering what it might be like. I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed it.

    1. I will definitely have to check out that book! Thanks for the recommendation - and I hope you enjoy black garlic as much as I did!

  2. I've never tried this, but I love garlic, so I think I may have to! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Wow, something new to me too, can't wait to try it!

  4. Wow! That looks a little scay, but you've convinced me I've got to try it! I can polish off a whole head of baked garlic in a matter of minutes....do you make that?

    1. Nope - there's a link at the very beginning of the post - I got it from a place called Spencer's Market. And yah, we ate it just like you would eat baked garlic!

  5. I love garlic but I have never heard of, nor tried, black garlic. Thanks for giving me a new idea Tess!

  6. I want to know how to make this. We grow 100 heads of garlic every year. Surely I can ferment a few for our own indulgence? Must research this more. Thanks for sharing this. xoxo

    1. I bet you could! Let me know what you find out about that! I'd definitely be interested. :) xox

  7. What is this heavenly Spencer's Market?! I want all the noms! And this sounds really, really good.

    1. Right? It's so good - we got a bunch of stuff from them recently and loved everything!


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