13 March 2013

-:- yarn along // more of the same

Last night, I finished part one of my mystery gift and cast on for part two, keeping my fingers crossed that I have enough yarn to finish it. I wish I could talk more about it - the pattern I used is wonderful and so sweet. But all in good time...

I'm still making my way through Insurgent, but if tonight is anything like my last two nights, I'll finish it with no problem. Daylight savings really affected me this year, so I was really sleepy Monday night. But then I started reading and couldn't put my book down until way past my bedtime. Last night, my sleepiness was compounded and I thought I'd definitely have an early night - but then I picked up that book again and read until I couldn't hold my eyes open anymore. I'm loving Insurgent - more than Divergent and, dare I say it, more than Hunger Games. And it's turning me into a sleep-deprived zombie.

I also started reading the Pure Heart of Yoga over the weekend, but haven't gotten too far into it. I've been keeping up with my daily practice and am excited to delve a little deeper into things.

Have a wonderful Wednesday and happy knitting!


(Joining Ginny at Small Things for her weekly Yarn Along.)


  1. There's nothing quite like a good book that you can't put down is there? Also, I am with you on the Daylight Savings Time affecting you - I want my hour back :)

  2. I dislike the spring time change, it's brutal. Can't wait to see the mystery knit that you have one the needles, I'll try to be patient.

  3. Oh i would love to learn more about yoga! I might have to check that book out. My kids keep talking about Insurgent and a new one is coming out soon that has yet to be named. I keep hearing them joke about it being called Detergent. :)

  4. i am very excited to see what this mystery project turns out to be!

  5. The yoga book sounds interesting! I miss my hour too!

  6. The time change never seems to agree with my two dogs. And in turn, it doesn't agree with Hubby and I who have to listen to the barking at dark o'clock in the morning. Ugh.

    I look forward to seeing your secret project. :-)

  7. I don't think the time change affected me that much since I was on East Coast time until SA and then switched back to Mountain time. I was pretty tired when I got home so adding an hour to my clock just made it seem so much later when in fact I was in bed fairly early. I will have to pick up the Divergent and Insurgent books. I'm intrigued if you think them better than the Hunger Games.

  8. oh my goodness i have been affected too, so much this year. the time changed when we were on the east coast, then flying home to the west coast, all the time seasonal changes! i hope you have enough yarn to finish your project!

  9. I can't wait to see the mystery project :)

  10. I thought of your clocks on Sunday : ) I had an afternoon coffee yesterday, not thinking, finished Bleak House and didn't have my next read picked out so read The Witches by Roald Dahl, and STILL couldn't get to sleep....heard the gong go at 3. I'm going to have to add those books to my list.

  11. I am up until past midnight most nights reading...it's a blessing and a curse, really. I SO hear you on the time change. I struggle for weeks every year. It sucks, to put it mildly. And, I'm so excited to see you delving deeper into your yoga practice. It is indeed a wonderful path to walk. xoxo


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