08 March 2013

-:- snow bunny

We got a bit more snow this week.
And nobody was happier about it than our Lou.

I know a little dog with short legs isn't what usually comes to mind when you think of a snow bunny, but watching Lou pounce through the snow with his big ears made me think it was appropriate to call him that after all.

Wishing you all lovely weekends ahead.



  1. hahah, love it!! Our dog loves the snow too!

    Have a great weekend.

  2. He is my favorite little guy! (On par with Claude and Wilbur, of course.) His neck is looking so long as he gets bigger. And love what you did with that middle collage.

    We just got another dump of snow last night too! We're ready for spring over here.

  3. Nobody expresses joy with more abandon than a dog! Put them in snow or water and watch out...bliss overload! Great photos!

  4. He looks like he's having a ball! Frodo would love to play with him. Have a great weekend!

  5. Oh my goodness Tess look at ALL that snow!!! Lou definitely looks like he's having a ball :)

  6. he's so cute! Dogs and their love of snow are so perplexing/adorable!

  7. Looks like he's having so much fun!
    Jillian - PS, if you have a moment, I'd love to invite you to check out the giveaway we're hosting for a $50.00 giftcard to Shabby Apple!


  8. Your dog looks so happy in the snow! :D

  9. This is one of the reasons why we love Lou : ) he is just sooooooo cute!

  10. Ha. Ha. That is too funny. Dogs love snow! Our little dog chases snowballs. It's always funny to watch him wonder where they went when they land in the snow!

  11. that last photo on the right is PRICELESS. it made me smile so, so hard :)


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