15 September 2012

-:- september hike

This morning we woke up (relatively) early to go on our September hike (#6).
We started here, with prairie flowers and grasses, monarch butterflies, views of the river...

...and bees. I realize that I may have a problem. At least I haven't started writing a bunch of bee-related puns - if I do, just tell me to bee-hive.

The trails we were on took us along the Mississippi by way of some bluffs.

We could see the river most of the time on one side...

...and we walked through gorgeous woods the rest of the way.

We ended up hiking about two and a half miles - which isn't a lot for us, but it's pretty far for Louie. He was such a champ, though...

...and by the time we got home, he was already rested and ready for more hiking. Or cat chasing. Or pouncing on socks.



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