03 March 2013

-:- weekend scenes

On Saturday, we took Lou to doggie day care and then got out and about a bit. We went slightly north for a special visit with the wolves (more on that soon, I promise) - and then ate out for lunch, discovered a new thrift store, and ran all of our errands for the week. I love having a full kitchen after we go grocery shopping, especially when it includes special treats.

Louie got two baths this weekend, much to his chagrin. His first came after he got home from doggie day care on Saturday and his second came after a long walk we took earlier today. He also discovered that he quite likes the contents of the litter box, much to my chagrin.

Tomorrow, we're back at it. I am already looking forward to this week's dinners - butternut squash ravioli and an Indian feast are in the works - and there are crumpets for breakfast. What a wonderful way to start my Monday morning.

Wishing you all a beautiful week ahead.



  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend and your meals for the week sound delicious!!! Wolves?? Looking forward to hearing more.

  2. Love all of the photos today!! My dog does not care for baths but will tolerate them. I hope you do have a great week ahead!!

  3. I love that picture of Louie leaping in the air! Great shot!

  4. Just found your blog via the Minnesota Bloggers site and wanted to tell you that I LOVE the design of your blog! Its adorable! Oh, and I just became your newest follower :)

    xo, Katie


  5. You really know your way around with the camera! Xoxo

  6. Louie is beautiful and looks so joyful in that shot! Our dog just had her bath last week. Immediately after her bath, she tried to bury a bone (one of the joys of spring---she finds all the things she buried way back when) in the fire pit. Her feet and nose were covered in ash.

    Butternut squash ravioli sounds delicious!


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