01 May 2013

-:- what we've been doing lately

 // yoga

Last weekend, I started my official yoga practice at a studio near our house and loved every minute of it - I went to a beginner's workshop on Saturday and my first hatha class on Sunday. I loved my little at-home practice, but I love taking classes even more.

// finding sprouted bulbs...or the lack thereof

Last October, I planted several bulbs in our front yard and have looked forward to their blooms during these long winter months. As the snow started to melt (and fall, and melt again, and fall again...) I kept a watchful eye on our front yard, looking for those first true signs of spring. What I found instead were several deep holes and the papery remnants of those beautiful bulbs. Only three tulips survived.

I was mad at the squirrels responsible for the destruction until I watched a pair of them on a tree, acting especially twitterpated, and realized that I love fat squirrels that make healthy babies as much as I loved my bulbs.

// eating subs

Mr. has become an expert at building vegetarian subs. This one has arugula, tomatoes, cucumbers, hummus, avocado, and a bit of goat cheese. We rounded everything out with carrot sticks, salt and vinegar chips, sparkling water, and a melon for dessert.

While we ate, we smelled burning charcoal from every grill in the neighborhood and listened to kids laughing outside until their parents called them in.

// basking in front of open windows

This weekend was the first time in a long time that we've opened our windows and we all loved it - especially those boy cats. Wilbur has also started shooting outside every time the door opens - he never goes very far, but he loves darting into hard-to-reach places, like under the patio stairs.

On an unrelated note, a series of photographs I took inspired me to learn how to make animated gifs - this is my first one, featuring our Claude watching a bird. It was really fun to put together - but I will have to be more mindful of my camera position from now on so the next one isn't so dizzying.



  1. oh my - the sandwich looks delicious. maybe my mister will make me one. very cool animated picture too.

  2. That is one desirable sandwich! I'm going to have to make one now :) The squirrels are destructive here as well, I think they love tulip bulbs :) I try to just get along with nature and not fight it.

  3. Um....put some PEANUTS out for those squirrels, away from the bulbs, or plant a black walnut tree, the falling walnuts knock the little boogers in the head...no wait...I mean, the falling walnuts provide much to keep them occupied :) Stealing that sandwich recipe for sure! Thanks for sharing. Don't be sad for the missing snow...you still have May and June ahead. JUST KIDDING!

  4. I want that sandwich! Yum. I love the gif, that's really cool!

  5. I will be right over for one of those subs...looks delish!

  6. My tulips look horrible due to the last month of weekly wet, heavy snow. One way to keep the squirrels from digging your bulbs is to sprinkle either ground oyster shells or cayenne pepper on top of the bulb before you put the dirt over them.


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