01 November 2012

-:- from our kitchen lately

- A million bowls of oatmeal from here and here.
I swear, I have been eating a bowl of that pumpkin pie oatmeal every morning lately! The banana oatmeal was really good too, but it's a bit more work for my groggy, half sleeping morning self.

- Spinach, mushroom, tortellini soup from here.
Whenever I chop mushrooms, I always wonder what on earth ever made us start eating them. What was it about a mushroom that made someone decide to put it in their mouth? It defies reason.

- Vegan Swedish meatballs with mashed potatoes and turnips and balsamic glazed asparagus.
Meatballs from here, but they are baked instead of fried. This was such a delicious, hearty, feel-good meal and I think both Mr. and I want to eat it every day for at least the next week.



  1. Looks delish! We love pumpkin oatmeal, especially this time of year.

    1. Oh, it's just the best, isn't it? I can't get enough!

  2. I love peanut butter and bananas and I love oatmeal, but I'm not sure about mixing them. How is it?

    1. It was good, actually! This recipe calls for caramelized bananas...and while that's not a TON of extra work, it's enough to deter me from making it regularly in the morning. Taste-wise, it was yummy though!

  3. Do you make the oatmeal stove-top like Angela?

    Glad you are getting a healthy breakfast every day! We've been enjoying eggs and toast from homemade bread. ;-)

    Love you!

    1. Yah I do! It's the best! And eggs with toast sounds yum too - especially with homemade bread! Classic. :) Love you too!

  4. Yum yum! We are having lentil soup today for dinner and I cannot wait to cook, it's been days since I've been in the kitchen. Lovely photos!!

    1. Thank you - that does sound delicious...I hope you enjoyed it!

  5. Everything oatmeal is totally my style :) These all look delicious. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yah, I'm loving it - and wondering what took me so long to join the club! :)


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