14 November 2012

-:- yarn along - a secret project and divergent

A few months ago, my friends and I started a book club at work. Even though we haven't fully mastered synchronizing our reading efforts, it has been a lot of fun to go through a storyline together and I am so happy that we are keeping it up despite the distance between us.

While we have read a broad spectrum of books, I think our favorite thing to read together is a good young adult, post-apocalyptic trilogy. Like the Hunger Games. And now, Divergent. I haven't officially started it yet, but my nook is loaded and ready to go later tonight. Can't wait - it should be a fun read.

Knitting-wise, I finished the neverending scarf, and while I can't tell you too much about my next project, but I can tell you that I am expecting a box full of quilting supplies today. Hopefully this will allow me to get started on my next quilt sometime this evening.

It'll be a little crib sized quilt for my baby nephew and I hope to have it done in the next week or so - that way it'll be ready when he and his amazing parents get here for Thanksgiving. Thankfully, we'll also be seeing them for Christmas, so if I don't make it in time, I'll be able to give it to him then.

I hope you guys are staying warm - the temperature has definitely dropped around these parts, which makes things like knitting, quilting, and reading under covers especially cozy.


(Joining Ginny at Small Things for her weekly Yarn Along.)


  1. 1. I loved Divergent. Not quite as good as the Hunger Games, but still just keeps you reading and reading. 2. I'm so glad they'll be making it up for Thanksgiving. Take lots of pics!

    1. Oh good!! You're a good gauge for me...I bet I'll love it too! And we'll definitely take lots of pictures!! :)

  2. secrets secrets secrets... I will be patient promise. It is very chilly here and I am glad because it's back to shawl wearing :)

    1. hehe - and I'll try to knit it up quickly so you don't have to wait too long! :)

  3. That is such a beautiful shade of purple, I can't wait to see what you'll knit with it. The "neverending" scarf turned out great, by the way. :-)
    Oh, since you said you like the tag I added to my knitted socks - it's a Stampin up stamp set that I had to have for just that reason. ;-)

    1. Thank you! And thanks for letting me know where your stamp came from - I might have to pick one up! :) Super cute.

  4. I'll be waiting to hear what you think of Divergent. I've not heard of it. I loved the Hunger Games though. You've got quite the crafting going on. I need to get on the ball and finish my quilt.

    1. Okay, I'll definitely keep you posted! And yah, finishing a quilt is so fun - and satisfying!! :)

  5. i love secret projects. so much fun!

  6. Ooh I love your purpley yarn!
    The idea of a book group sounds wonderful, I keep meaning to see if there's one at my local library.

    1. It's a lot of fun! I hope you find one - your library is the perfect place to check - and we really just have a little informal one amongst friends, which works out well for us!

  7. Love that yarn colour, beautiful. Can't wait to see the quilt, quilting is on my list of things to learn...one day :)

    1. Thank you! Hopefully you'll see a finished quilt within the next week or so...? lol

  8. It's pretty freezing here too! I used to knit a lot when I was in middle/high school and then sort of tapered off as I aged. But knitting with covers and being cozy sounds suuuper appealing right now.

    1. Yah, I remember you mentioned knitting in one of your other comments - that's really cool. Are you ever tempted to pick it up again?

  9. I love the color of that yarn- great choice!


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