20 March 2013

-:- yarn along // socks and the handmaid's tale

I've just started reading the Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. I'm only a few chapters in, but the story is so intriguing and I'm already attached to the main character. The book itself is pretty wonderful too - it's the perfect size, the pages are really clean, font is easy on the eyes, and the binding bends just right. At this point, I don't even have to love the contents of this book - I just love holding it.

Knitting-wise, I finished part two of the mystery gift, with just a little yarn to spare - it was such a relief. And since then, I've made a little more progress on those Christmas socks. I know I've said it before, but I love this method of sock knitting. I also love this Rowan tweed - I'm a fan of rustic, pure wool yarns and this one makes me feel like I'm taking a break from my farm chores in Ireland to sneak in a few stitches.

Happy Wednesday and happy knitting!


(Joining Ginny at Small Things for her weekly Yarn Along.)


  1. I like the green yarn you are using. I like rustic yarn especially in the middle of winter when it's real cold.

  2. Well, that books sounds fantastic in every way!
    I like making socks but haven't tried this method, yet. Love the yarn.

  3. I love the colorway of your yarn. The little flecks of brighter colors give the yarn so much depth.

    2-at-a-time socks is one of those knitting techniques that I think would help me finish a pair of socks in a more timely manner, but the logistics of 2 balls of yarn hanging off the needles and the field day my littlest already has with just one ball... :) I really must try it one day!

  4. I love the way those socks are knitting up!

  5. your sock yarn is yummy. love that green, and tweed, perfect!

  6. The green yarn is such a lovely color! I wish I could knit socks, but knitting is just one craft I could not master.

    blessings, jill
    visiting from ginny's yarn along

  7. I feel the same way about a book, it makes it easier to read if it is easier to hold and see the words!

  8. I really need to read Handmaids Tale... Maybe this summer! Love the socks!

  9. Margaret Atwood is one of my favorite writer. Good choice!

  10. I can't believe I haven't read the Handmaid's Tale. It's a Canadian must-read...shameful of me. ;) I picked it up used last year so I'll have to dig it out soon!

    I adore tweedy wool - and socks on my get-brave-and-try-it list.

  11. those socks look like they are going to love being together :)

  12. Let me know what you think of the book! I'm on the fence about it. Love the tweedy-ness!!!

  13. Oh those socks look amazing!

  14. Tweed is my FAVOURITE. Green is my favourite colour. LOVE those socks. AND...Margaret Atwood is a national treasure. Enjoy her wonderful writing. <3

  15. Just wanted to drop in and say I hope you have a great Easter weekend Tess :)

  16. Omgosh what a fantastic method of knitting socks. I use 4 needles and haven't seen them knitted like this before, Where could I learn? Is there a utube showing that method I wonder?


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